
Rangdaneh Kala Company (Private Joint Stock) was established in the region of Abali by the investors of private section and started its activity, obtaining license for capacity of 1000 tones per year aiming at manufacture of products, providing appropriate field for performance of research and renovation in production of construction and industrial paints as well as production of definite and high quality products within the limits of local and world standards.

By entering to paint industry named Ehsan paint during some last years and ongoing development for achievement of the company’s objectives, this company took action to increase capacity of its products up to 3320 tons per year in each working shift and found appropriate place in the field of production of construction and industrial paints from 2000.

By relocation of its new factory in the Shourabad industrial region (Tehran) with an area of 16000 Sq. m. in 2003, the company could increase its products up to 7200 tons per shift and provide the appropriate field for its products using European machinery, specialized laboratories and skillful engineers as well as qualified raw materials of European factories and accelerate its ongoing activities.

Rangdaneh Kala Company increase capacity of its products up to 15200 tones per year in one working shift in 2006 and started to product automobile and industrial paints and allocated itself the special place in industry.

The company increased its products capacity up to 13460 tons per year and obtained the necessary license an increased road marking machines started to production of traffic paints and road marking. Also by contract with PROSEP company (turkey) for production of different kinds of Acrylic paints based on water was another step to its development and the needs of its customers with the word techniques.

Combination of science and experiences in paint industry is one of the most important priorities of Rangdaneh Kala Company and necessary attention was paid to this fact. The result of this combination consists of creation of appropriate field for development of new and hidden talents in this industry and provide this company with remarkable results.

History of Rangdaneh Kala Company’s Activities

1993- Establishment of company with subject of business activities (Imports &  exports of chemical raw materials)

1995- Beginning of establishment of paint factory in the northwest Tehran and continuation of business activity.

1995- Obtaining industrial activity license with capacity of 1000 tones for production of different types of paints in one shift named Ehsan trandmark and membership in paint cooperative company of manufacturers and the relevant products.

1995- Membership in cooperative company of paint manufacturers and the relevant products.

1995- Production of different types of construction paints and some industrial paints.

1998- Increase of some space for product warehouse in Etehad street.

2000- Increase of production capacity up to 3320 tones per year in one shift.

2003- Relocation of the relevant factor to Shourabad Industrial region increasing the area up to 16000 Sq. m..

2003- Increase of production capacity up to 7200 tones per year in one shift.

2004- Purchase of modern paint machinery from NEIMANN (Germany) and installation of the said machinery.

2005- Increase of laboratory area and purchase of laboratory tools and machinery.

2006- Design of appearance of items including carton and can.

2006- Membership in Iranian society for Manufacture of Paint and Resin.

2007- Increase of transportation vehicles and purchase of Nissan van and truck for providing the distribution section with services.

2008- Obtaining capacity of 500 tones per year from the Ministry of Industries and Mines for production of traffic paints.

2008- Beginning export of paint to the middle Asia countries.

2008- Obtaining quality management of ISO_9001 from DNV Company.

2008- Increase of activity for production of industrial paints and development of activity field in oil and industrial projects of country.

2009- Increase of production capacity up to 13,460 tones per year in two working shifts.

Purchase of machinery for crossing the roads and obtaining license for 3000 Km per year from the Ministry of Road and Transportation.

Beginning the executive project for crossing the roads and curbs in different provinces.

Membership in Society for Production of Traffic Paints, and Road crossing contractors.

Production of special industrial paints and execution of big industrial projects.

Concluding contract with PROSEP Company (Turkey) in connection with production of basic acrylic paints with EhsanProsep trademark.

The Manger’s Viewpoint

 Rangdaneh Kala Company consists of definite organizational diagram and complied activity diagram with high executive capability.

According to the thought and strategy of the company’s managers and the customers’ demands, the high quality products shall be produced with appropriate price in compliance with the relevant world standards and according to correct consultation and execution of product output respect the rights of customers.

The senior managers of this complex pay necessary attention to investment in research affairs for access to new formula and the state-of-the-art technology and communication with reputable and scientific centers of the world in this field.

Laboratory, Research & Development:     

 Experts and specialists of this units supervise and operate in four fields including:

  • Raw materials control.
  • Paint production.
  • Final product quality control.
  • Research & development.

Different types of quality control shall be performed at laboratory of Rangdaneh Kala Company according to the NACE, DIN and ASTM international standards as well as national standards consisting of:

  • Performance of tests for determination of wet paint physical specifications:

   Tests related to external conditions of paint, drying time and resistance against bulge.

  • Tests for determination of physical specifications of dried paint:

Including Dry paint, paint tint and determination of paint dried film.

  • Tests for paint mechanical specifications:

Including adhesiveness, shock, hardship, abrasion tests and resistance against washing.

  • Tests for determination of chemical resistance of paint:

Including tests for determination of paint resistance in moisture and foggy environment, resistance against UV sunburst and thermal resistance.

Close relation with reputable scientific centers including paint research center and paint faculty of AMIRKABIR University, oil industry research center, energy research center, etc., in Iran and obtaining approvals related to the above centers are among the main plans of Research and Development Unit.

Production Line and Equipment 

Equipment and machinery of Rangdaneh Kala Company in production and packaging lines consisting of:

  • Modern and advanced mixers and mills produced by NEIMANN (Germany).
  • Automatic packaging and sharing lines.
  • Production silos and collection and evacuation of one and several paints at the same time.
  • Advanced and modern laboratory tools in the world for example BYK, Sheen and Erickson.
  • Vehicles and trucks for transportation of the customers’ load.
  • Preparation of qualified raw materials by the main producers of the world:

Bayer, Byk, Basf, Shell, Dow, Akzo, Degussa, Hoechst and Ciba.

Ehsan Paint Group     

Rangdaneh Kala Company (Private Joint Stock) is one of the most famous producers of paint in Iran with Ehsan trademark employing the skillful engineers and specialists and the company can produce different types of its products with modern and up to date machinery.

History of Paint

Whatever we observe around ourselves and provide us with beauties is color and any thing shall have light with color.

The skillful painters produced the paint using some plants including henna, chalk, madder and azure many years ago.

The first industrial factory was established in Iran in 1939. The paint industry was developing during the last years and promoting the people life.

Decorative Paints

Many people demand to change their home decoration to show their home bigger. Considering wall is the biggest surface in the home and changing its paint and form shall play an effective role in the room facing. Selection and using appropriate color for painting the small apartment can show it bigger and allowed to use their creatinity and aptitude the best possible will be.

Rangdaneh Kala Company can help you for achievement of such goals using different decorative paints.

Industrial and Protective Paints

Different methods shall be used to avoid and decrease the destruction resulted form chemical reaction between metal and environment called corrosion.

One of the most common methods consists of industrial and protective paints. In such cases, several paints shall be used under the title of system. This paints are called lining-middle and coating.

Considering this subject, there are different corrosions in different surfaces  and we can not use one coating system in all surfaces.

It goes without saying that execution of coating systems are different in respect of raw materials, usage percentage, number of layers and thickness.

Effective Elements in Playing the Supportive Role of Industrial Paints:

  • Selection of appropriate coating system.
  • Production and appropriate formulation of paints.
  • Preparation of appropriate surfaces.
  • Performance of painting operation correctly.
  • Supervision and inspection of all procedures.

Paying no attention to the above elements shall play effective role in providing disorders in this paints and decreasing their effective life.

Rangdaneh Kala Company will help you considering production of industrial paints and performance of the relevant system in this section.

Automotive  Paints

The car coatings divide into two groups:

  • Car Body: This coating is used in two-layer form. The relevant specifications of these coatings consist of providing high resistance during a short period without any need to heat and resisting against acid rain, fuel, abrasive detergents, corrosion and UV ray.

Car Polymer Parts: Coating of car polymer parts including bumper and other additional parts increase strength and tolerance of polymer parts and their resistance against UV ray in spite of decorative effect.

Rangdaneh Kala Company has taken the necessary action in production of different types of car coating.

Traffic Paints 

On-Element Cold Traffic Paint: This cold traffic paint is produced based on acrylic resin considering resistance against moisture, abrasion, ultraviolet ray and removing substance and shall have high durability for road and street crossing.

Two-Element Traffic Paint: This paint is produced based on two-element resin acrylic and used for pedestrian crossing. High thickness, resistance against abrasion, moisture and ultraviolet ray are among the main specifications of the said paint.

Refugee Paint (Curb): This paint is produced based on alkyd and acrylic resins and used for painting the street curbs. This paint is resistance against moisture, ultraviolet ray and has a shininess and durability.

Rangdaneh Kala Company has cooperated in many national and provincial crossing project using crossing special devices and skilful personnel according to the license issued by Road Safety Department.

Ehsan-Prosep Paint

Rangdaneh Kala Company has produced different types of acrylic paints with water base by cooperation with and under the license issued by PROSEP Company (Turkey). Considering prediction of company about changing culture of using basic paints and transferring them to water base paints has taken another action in connection with paint industry. Main specification of acrylic paints including:

  • Without smell & allergy.
  • Without any need to industrial and bad smell thinners
  • Rapid drying
  • Self-wash and clean
  • Anti-dust (anti-static)
  • Anti-moss and algae
  • Rapid and easy implementation on all internal and external surfaces of the building
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Washable using detergents (100%)
  • Hygienic, anti-poison and without any heavy lead and metals
  • Different colors (more than 16000 colors)
  • Resistance against UV ray and sub rays and rain water
  • Maintenance of concrete breath capability
  • Hydro-phobe and dust
  • High quality coating with very good adhesion and penetration

Table of Combined Paint

  • Osseous: white+ yellow+ black
  • Cream: white+ dull green
  • Green: blue+ yellow
  • Jade: green+ dull green + blue
  • Olive: white+ dull green + blue
  • Light Green: white, yellow+ blue
  • Brown: dull green+ red + black
  • Orange: yellow+ red
  • Pink: white + red
  • Dark Violate: blue + red
  • Light Violate: white+ blue + red
  • Dark blue: blue+ black
  • Brick: dull green+ red
  • Phosphorous: yellow+ green
  • Light Gray: white+ black
  • Beige: white + dull green

It is to be noted that

We try to produce some products according to the useful experiences and state-of-the-art technology so that the customers are satisfied by our performance and also we succeed to obtain income by achievement of your satisfaction.

We have to do very difficult affairs and it can be possible by hardworking and considering the customers’ needs.

We hope to be successful in serving you.


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